No pain, No gain / Exhibition

An exhibition was held by Jin Kuramoto Studio to explore and challenge the design boundaries. Non-functional sculptures that expressed themes such as “Nucleus”, “Structure”,“Gradual change”, “Boundary” etc were set up in the exhibition space. Sculptures were constructed by a delicate metal frame to keep continuity between each work piece.

「核 / Meteor」「構造 / Voyage」「徐変 / Cloud」「境界 / Shell」など、表現テーマはそれぞれに違えど、素材が繊細な金属フレームで構成されているという共通点をもっている。

[ Meteor ] : Nucleus

[ Voyage ] : Structure

[ Cloud ] : Gradual change

[ Shell ] : Boundary


Exhibition / 2013

Takumi Ota

Daikanyama Hillside terrace C-Garally